DANTE - 2012



Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Inria Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs joint laboratory

Participants : Isabelle Guérin-Lassous, Paulo Gonçalves, Thomas Begin, Éric Fleury, Doreid Ammar, Mohamad Jaber.

Traffic awareness, Flow analysis, Flow scheduling, Sampling, Flow-based routing

Former RESO team participated to the ADR (Action de Recherche/Research Action) “Semantic Networking" (SEM- NET), one of the three ADRs of the Inria ALCATEL-LUCENT BELL LABS joint laboratory. This ADR started on January 1st 2008 and formally ended in October 2012. I. Guérin Lassous and L. Noirie are the respective coordinator for Inria and for ALCATEL-LUCENT of the ADR SEMNET.

In 2013 the research axes of the Joint Lab will be renewed and a new one entitled "Network Science" will involve the participation of the research team DANTE.